Group Details

Young Adults Activity

We are so excited about this Young Adult Activity Group! If you are a Young Adult looking for connection and fun, look no further! All Young Adults are welcome to join, no matter your stage or season of life, and no matter your relationship status! Think older than Grace Students, college/trade school age, just graduated college, a few years out of college, just starting your first “adult” career and everything in between! If you’re single, in a relationship, or married, even if you have young kids, you’re welcomed! (Childcare will not be provided as a part of this group, however.) We will have monthly gatherings and activities throughout the Cranberry/Wexford area and at times even head down to the city of Pittsburgh! Attend those that interest you and that fit your schedule with no obligation to be at all of them! Foster connection and community in a group of like minded individuals focused on honoring God and sharing their faith with others! This group will be all about building relationships and having fun! This group will cover a multitude of activities to address a wide variety of interests. Some examples may include: A summer potluck cookout, a Pirate’s game, Axe Throwing, hikes, and many more. If you are interested in being a part of this Young Adult Activity Group simply complete the 'Contact this Group' form below to contact the leaders directly.
Nocera, Dom

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